Message From Founder - Bharat Uprety

ICT is the first base of country's development and it is necessary for the government to make it a top priority and implement policies and programs accordingly. The youth has a great responsibility and role for that. In IT, there is not only job opportunity but also development potential. For which there is a need for young voices. As media is the only channel of youth voice, young journalists who are using their pen in ICT are the main characters of ICT development awareness campaign.

ICT Journalist Development forum is a group of youth IT & ICT professionals Journalists.  It promote to ICT information and awareness with support to build e-Nepal. ICT Development Forum enhanced to ICT awareness to general people.


To Promote ICT information, knowledge and awareness to General public.

Promote to ICT awareness and Support to e-Nepal


Enhanced to using  IT & ICT Product, Services through ICT Journalism .


Support to build e-Nepal.


1. To Unite entire the print and online media house's youth Journalist . 

2. To learn ICT journalism.

3. To  Advocacy ICT & IT policy for ict development.

4. To protect ICT Journalist rights and make a international network.

5. To Sustainable ict development and economic prosperity.

6. To build e-governance and empowerment by ICT Journalist Forum.